
Past Performance

Poe Lock – Underfloor Drainage System Cleaning


Contract #: W911XK-14-P-0016

Location: Sioux St. Marie, MI

Client: US Army Corps of Engineers

Mobilize, clear ice and snow to gain access to manholes and cleanouts, remove the lids to permit inspection by the government, close and re-attach lids, demobilize. Remove sediment and debris from manholes. Move the sediment and debris to a designated location outside of the lock chamber. Remove sediment and debris from 12 inch pipe. Pipe could be Corrugated Metal Pipe, Concrete Pipe or Cast Iron Pipe. Remove cleanout covers where necessary for access. Move the sediment and debris to a designated location outside of the lock chamber. Remove sediment and debris from 18 inch pipe. Pipe could be Corrugated Metal Pipe, Concrete Pipe or Cast Iron Pipe. Remove cleanout covers where necessary for access. Move the sediment and debris to a designated location outside of the lock chamber.